Sunday 5 October 2014

Film Chain - Pollie Whaley


There is more then one stage that is involved in producing a film. There is... ~Pre-production. 

Pre-production... Is the stage where all the planning for the production takes place. In this stage the production is broken down into scenes, and all locations, props, cast, costumes, special effects and visual effects are planned. This seems to be where the production is planned and the first big decisions are made.

Prouduction... Is the stage where all the filming is made/filmed for the production. This is where they follow the pre-production decisions. Everything in this section must have been filmed properly as it will then effect the post-production, therefore in the production things may be filmed over and over again.

Post-production... This is the sage where the film is then put together by an editor. This is where all the final touches are made to the film. In this section they add special effects, music, transitioning from scene to scene. Once the fine cut has been made, the producers and directors will then view it and decide whether to approve of it and "lock" the picture of for the editor to make some final adjustments.

Distribution... This is where the final cut then goes into cinemas and then is screened to public which then later on is released as a home video.

The main producers of films in America are...

~ Steven Spielberg
~ Jerry Bruckheimer
~ Martin Scorsese
~James Cameron
~ Michael Mann

The main film studios...

The person or persons that own the studio may have some impact on what films the studio makes. The person or persons who own the studios may have different budgets when making films, some could be bigger then others. This will then impact the what films are made in a particular studio.

Independent productions are... professional film productions which are made outside of the major film studios. 


Film distribution is the process of making a film be seen by an audience, in other words its similar as advisement. This done by a professional film distributor, they will normally determine the marketing strategy for the film, this therefore enabling a film to me available for viewing and release into a cinema to be screened by an audience. 

Usually a film would go into a cinema and be screened there, but due to the growth of mass media, latest releases are now able to be viewed on Sky TV, Netflix ect.

The traditional way to distribute a film is by screening it in a cinema.

A newer way of distributing a film could be by streaming it to somewhere you can gain an audience such as on Sky TV or on Netflix.

Film Festivals... A film festival is an organised, extended presentation of a film in                                                         more then one cinema or screening venues.

If a film hasn't secured a distribution deal, their film may never be viewed by a larger audience whereas if i had secured a distribution deal it would be screened in a cinema and will consequently be view by a large audience.

Pollie Whaley...:)

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