Monday 6 October 2014

Swede Presentations - Pollie Whaley


Swede Presentations - Pollie Whaley

What have you learned about the film industry from this experience…? 

During the making of our swede, I have learnt various of different things. I have learnt that making  film or even a short film isn't as easy as you think. A lot of hard work and thought has to go into planning the production of a film. You have to think of all the different elements that are in a film and what you would need to do or have to make it successful. Once your planning and filming is complete, you then go onto editing your film. This could be said to be the most important part as this is where the filming is put together and a film is produced. This is what really makes it a film. Considering the sound effects, visual effect, music and transition etc to make your film as perfect as you possible could get it. The film industry isn't only hard and a lot of work, but it can also be a fun experience. The enjoyment you get out of seeing your finally piece is phenomenal. To think we only made a short film in a short amount of time, and to get the quality that we got made us all as a group very proud. To think what a Hollywood producer must feel like after making a successful blockbuster? Overall this experience was very enjoyable and eventful. I have gained many skills during the making of our swede, and have also learnt a lot. The film industry seems to be an awarding experience.

Pollie Whaley…:)

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