Monday 29 September 2014




This is the stage where all the planning takes place. During pre-production, the production is broken down into scenes one by one and all the props, cast members, locations, costumes, visual effects and special effects are identified.

This is the stage where all the filming is done. All scenes in pre-production are filmed, each scene is filmed as many times as the director says. This to ensure the best  scenes will be used to make the film.

This is the stage where the film is edited by the editor. The film editors job is to build a rough cut taken from sequences based on the shots. The purpose of the rough cut is to select the best shots.

A distributor can help market and generate sales for your film.The person who normally distributes a film is a professional film distributor. They would determine the marketing plan for the film and may set the release date and other matters. The film may be shown directly to the public either through a movie theatre, television or personal home viewing for example DVD-Video, video-on-demanddownload and television programmes.
Often feature films have different distributors standing for them in different places and different distributors handling the home-viewing system. independent film distribution in the UK is managed by indie distributors such as Metrodome, optimum releasing and Momentum.


Marketing is the process of communicating the value of a product to people who want it.
After spending millions of pounds on making a movie, the production company spends millions more on letting audiences know about it. 

Films have a small/tight distribution window, which leads to a limited shelf-life. They may play in cinemas for as long as six months, sometimes for a week. The marketing has to happen at absolutely the right time to get audiences into cinemas and keep them coming. The movie studio may begin marketing a movie six to eight months before the release date, especially to create "a buzz" for an event movie, using teasers for example posters and short viral videos). 
Marketers take an idea and spread it wide. Distributors build a channel that they control and that is used to connect things to people. This is the difference between marketing and distribution.

An exhibition is an organized presentation and displays different items. Exhibitions usually occur within museums, galleries and exhibition halls, and World's Fairs
Today in this society we get to see different films in many different ways. For example you could go to the cinema and watch a film. This is one of the most basic ways to watch a movie. another way is downloading it on your computer. This is a quick and convenient way as then you wouldn't need to pay and you could get comfortable and put your feet up. You can also watch films of different applications for example, YouTube Netflix. YouTube movies may have a slight lower quality than Netflix as people have put the videos on YouTube manually.
People get to see films in many different ways. One of them would be cinemas. You could go to the cinemas to watch a movie with a group of friends, in a couple or simply just by yourself!

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