Friday 14 November 2014

Honeytrap - Pollie Whaley


Director: Rebecca Johnson.
Writer: Rebecca Johnson.
Staring Actors: ~ Lucien Laviscount.
                              ~ Ntonga Mwanza
                              ~ Jessica Sula.
Release Date: 17 October 2014 (UK) 
Filming Locations: Brixton, London, England, UK Company Credits
Producers: ~ Sarah Sullick.
                      ~ Amy Ricker.
Editor: John Dwelly 
Duration Of Film: 93 minutes (1 hour and 33 minutes) 
UK Distribution: Anchor Bay.

Official Trailer:

Interview With Rebecca Johnson :
Honeytrap is about a 15 year old girl called Layla who tells her story about her tragic romance which ends in the murder of the boy that loved her. The film is set in Brixton and inspired by true events.  Layla feels the need to fit in with the crowd and is desperate for it to become a reality. Sadly she gets mixed up with the wrong person as she is first rejected by girls and Troy is the only one that is there to comfort her...but is he really? 

This is an independent film and is therefore is on a low budget, I have found that it has only been shown on the screen in cinemas. I cannot find any information indicating  whether the film will be released on to DVD, however is being shown in the British Film Festival. All that I do know, is that it seems to be a brilliant film and I personally would love to go and see the film. 

As the film is an independent film, as I have already mentioned, meaning it was on a very low budget when making, and therefore couldn't  publicize the film as successfully compared to a high budget Hollywood film.  So I assume they advertised it in the media using social networking sites, for example twitter to get the word around. Seeing as Honeytrap was being screened in the British Film Festival, I'm sure they would have been advertising the film and screening of it on their websites and perhaps even had posters to advertise.

By Pollie Whaley...

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